Yearning for more love in your relationship?

The desire to be in a loving relationship is something many couples yearn for and now with the increase in the stress and uncertainty as a result of the current coronavirus Covid 19 environment, maybe even more so.

Wanting to feel heard, listened to and understood? 

The need to experience these qualities and characteristics in our relationship are universal and when they are present can lead to exceptionally rewarding and satisfying relationships. However if these qualities are not there in your relationship at the moment, take heart, they can be learnt and can become a natural part of your relationship.

Yearning for genuine intimacy?

That sense of ultimate connectedness which we call "intimacy" can really only be experienced in its fullest when a genuine sense of safety is established. This requires that the interactions and communications that we experience in our relationship demonstrate caring, compassion and understanding at all times.

Seeking better communication?

The foundation stone of a rewarding relationship, communication leads to a way of being together that can lift a relationship to the realms of the sublime. Effective communication is almost an art form and although the basics can be taught easily, the subtilties and the nuances which are what take a relationship to the next level, can only be aquired through demonstration, discussion and coaching.

Hal Kennedy, Principal of the Relationship Clinic has spent 32 years and counting, supporting couples to build stronger more satisfying relationships. He loves seeing couples nurture their relationship and become closer, more affectionate and more intimate in the process.

This website can provide you with the various ways that you can access the skills, experience and wisdom Hal has accumulated over those many years.

In recent years Hal has been working with couples online, both in New Zealand and overseas as well as running workshops and retreats in various locations.

Hal's successful experience with online relationship counselling and coaching means that even with the current Covid 19 situation, those couples seeking relationship help, are able to access the guidance and support that they may be seeking.


Here is an Opportunity

By giving yourself the opportunity to work with Hal and The Relationship Clinic you are accessing many years of experience, and arguably, the most effective relationship help available.

Meet Hal

Hal is a skilled and experienced counsellor, coach, facilitator, mediator, trainer and supervisor who has worked with group and couple dynamics for more than 30 years.

Hal trained as a facilitator and counsellor with Marriage Guidance NZ and went on to become Clinical Team Leader, Supervisor and Trainer for the national counselling organisation, Relationship Services.

Hal continues working in private practice.


What our clients say

“Hal Kennedy is a relaxed and easy going counsellor. He taught us useful, practical techniques to resolve issues. After three sessions Kate and I got engaged to be married! Thanks Hal.”

– Warren Saky

“We laugh often as we pull out wee sayings and strategies from our sessions with you, and we chat about you often. Your help and guidance has been a real saving grace for us Hal, and we are so thankful!

– Sam Silby

“Things are going really well with us and many of the communication tools you taught us are second nature now. So a huge thanks to you – I really don’t think we’d be at this place in our lives and so excited about the future without you. So glad that we decided that counselling was worth a shot!”

– Jenny

The Process

Hal is a specialist relationship counsellor and coach, his approach is multifaceted, both challenging and supportive and is based on practical guidance and coaching in a warm and safe environment.

The Outcome

A supported journey to a better relationship

Couples can usually expect significant beneficial changes within the first two sessions, with at times, transformational outcomes being experienced as they further develop their newly acquired skills.


Hal’s support can be provided through

Couples Counselling 

Skilled face to face interaction is part of the process that supports couples to gain a greater understanding of how to be in their relationship more intimately and affectionately.


Hal also offers, flexible Skype counselling sessions for couples who live in other areas or those who are unable to present in person because of child care or health related issues.

Couples Retreats

Also available are intensive one and two day workshops for couples who seek comprehensive in-depth relationship support. These retreats provide the necessary tools required to change your relationship dynamics.


Take action and improve your relationship


0800 488 499


If you’re struggling to find a time that suits, Hal is more than happy to arrange sessions via Skype.